Student Satisfaction Survey

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

Key Indicator - 2.7.1

Under Criterion II of Teaching – Learning and Evaluation

Guidelines for Students
NAAC (National Assessment and accreditation council) is conducting a Student Satisfaction Survey regarding Teaching – Learning and Evaluation, which will help to upgrade the quality in higher education. A student will have to respond to all the questions given in the following format with her/his sincere effort and thought. Her/his identity will not be revealed.

A) Please confirm this is the first and only time you answer this survey.


C) College Name:

D) Gender:

E) What degree program are you pursuing now?

F) What subject area are you currently pursuing?

G) Mobile Number: (Enter WhatsApp-enabled mobile number only for OTP Verification)

Instructions to fill the questionnaire
● All questions should be compulsorily attempted.
● Each question has five responses, choose the most appropriate one.
● The response to the qualitative question no. 21 is student’s opportunity to give suggestions or improvements; she/he can also mention weaknesses of the institute here. (Kindly restrict your response to teaching learning process only)